One of the things I want to do for those of you new to the blogesphere is how to negotiate around these pages.
You can comment on any of the postings by clicking on the word "comment" or the pencil that appears beneath each blog entry. Just click on either and write a note about your thoughts or feelings and we'll all participate in the work here.
To find blog entries I've made that do not appear on the front page as you scroll down, go to the Archive section in the right panel and click on the day or month of entries you may have missed. Once there you can read what you like.
You can also click on the Google Ads that are on the right hand panel and go to the page represented by that ad. This might be good for any treatment center you are looking for or interesting sites relate to recovery.
You can also find copies of the books I refer to to in the blog entries by clicking on the blue name of the book. It will take you to Amazon who has the book for you to get.
Can't be simpler than that. But, if you run into trouble, write a comment here or send an email to and you'll get an answer.
All the best, Roger
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