Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bill W. Film, The End...

We come now to the end of the film Bill W. and Lois made about the formation of AA that we have been running here as a serial. In a sense, it's too bad we cannot have more of him. However, there are other videos of Bill talking to groups, speaking on the Traditions of AA, and many audio tapes of his many addresses to large AA can find them through You Tube. Perhaps we can present some of them here. I think we cannot get enough of the written, video and audio accounts of the founders of this life-saving program.

In this clip, we conclude Lois's remarks about her thoughts and feelings when Bill was diagnosed and, most importantly, her feelings about her own situation with regard to Bill's alcoholism. We all know that her experience led to the formation of the Alanon movement that has helped countless spouses, siblings and friends touched by the disease come to grips with the need to care for themselves. This too is powerful material to see in the video. Bill concludes by taling about Dr. Shoemaker and the publication of the AA "Big Book" and what this has meant for him. When we last see him, he is broadly strolling his property in Bedford NY, off the screen and into history.

So, sit back and enjoy this last episode.

All the best, Roger W.

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