involved with high-risk situations while in recovery from alcoholism is the
number one cause of relapse (see “Alcoholism Relapse Part 1: High-Risk
Situations”). While the task of avoiding them seems daunting at times, a
recovering person can use a number of painless ways to manage high-risk
1. Like
the real estate agent who knows that “location, location, location” are the
three top requirements for a successful house sale, recovering people
understand that “planning, planning, planning” are the top three ways to avoid
the entrapment of a high-risk situation that can threaten recovery. Planning
the schedule for the day ahead of time – who to see, where to go, how to get
there, when to arrive and leave – is essential for managing day-to-day
activities that can either support or threaten recovery. Many people find a
written plan is the best because when the task is written down it has a sense
of permanence and importance that must be honored.
2. Writing
down a list of high-risk situations and carrying it with you every day can go a
long way toward helping to avoid them. Like planning, the written expression of
a high-risk situation has to effect of subduing its importance and enhancing
awareness of it. Sometimes a recovering person will share this list with a
trusted friend who can help them monitor their involvement with the high-risk
3. Falling
into a high-risk situation is sometimes unavoidable. When a person finds
themselves in one of these situations, it is important to remove themselves
from the situation as quickly as possible. Riding in a car with people who are
drinking or using other drugs, being at a party when someone brings out the
alcohol or drugs, or bumping into a person who was an old drug connection in a
supermarket are all people and places that represent a high-risk for using. Every
attempt must be made to quickly leave the situation and seek a safe haven. As
awkward as this procedure may be, it will work only if a person does not try to
convince themselves they are helpless or make excuses for being there.
4. Not
going to bars, parties, clubs, concerts or other venue where there is a
likelihood alcohol will be served is a sure-fire solution to avoid being
trapped in a high-risk situation. Painful at it may seem at the time to not go
to these places one used to enjoy, the pain is much less than what using
alcohol or other drugs will cause. Often, recovering people will go to these
places with other people who are also in recovery to get support for remaining
clean and sober during the event.
5. Categorically
refusing to be with people who are using alcohol or other drugs in your
presence is also a way to avoid relapse. This is difficult for many people
because they do not want to lose contact with old friends, but if those friends
are using alcohol or other drugs it is usually just a matter of time before a
recovering person just falls into line with them. Regrettably, choices usually
have to be made among those people a person associates with and one cannot be
with recovering people and using people at the same time.
6. Talking
openly and honestly about high-risk situations before they occur takes their
alluring power away. The more talk there is about known situations that can
threaten recovery the greater the likelihood is that the situation can be
disarmed before it occurs. A person can learn how to cope by talking with
others about these situations that are very common. Counseling and 12 Step
programs are specifically designed to encourage that kind of sharing.
7. Having
a strong support network of recovering people can help thwart the power of
impending high-risk situations. Knowing, in advance, that there is the chance
this situation will occur usually allows for time to contact others in a
support network who can give advice and even join with a person to re-direct
their attention away from the negative situation.
8. There
is also a way to use support people in a practical sense. Commonly, situations
arise that are threats, but those threats can be minimized if one or more
support people actually go through the situation with a recovering person.
Having someone to accompany the recovering person to help them face an
unavoidable situation – holiday celebrations, anniversaries, weddings, etc. –
can go a long way toward protecting them from getting engrossed so far into the
situation that they use alcohol or other drugs to cope.
9. Some
people print out the high situations that threaten their recovery and place
them on bathroom mirrors, refrigerators, or other private places to help remind
them of the need to plan for the situations that may arise. This knowledge of
which situations can injure a recovering person goes a long way toward avoiding
them. Adding to the list occasionally as new situations arise also helps.
10. Always
have alternative activities available in the event that plans fall through or there
is a need to immediately escape from an unexpected high-risk situation. These
activities can be based on fundamentally positive things that provide a reward
for avoiding the situation that is a challenge.
Despite all of these plans and
options, the single most important thing to do is remain positive. Many people
have a personal saying that affirms their recovery and if they are able to
repeat that to themselves when confronted with a high-risk situation, the power
of the affirmation can usually carry the day. “This too shall pass,” is an old
12-Step affirmation that frequently helps people pass through the moment of the
situations that arise. Knowing that a person can get through the situation
without using and that they will feel much better about themselves because they
avoided the danger successfully also helps a person in recovery stay in
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