I am often asked what it takes to enter, or stay, in recovery from addictions. There's no easy answer. But, there are things people can do daily that will help. I was reminded of this recently when I discovered the shallowness that many of my patients have about the requirements for recovery and how to maintain it.
Recovery from addiction involves the
life-long process of balancing those things that block a person from reaching
their full potential against personal assets that can offset those blockages.
The 12 Step programs of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
call blockages to recovery “character defects,” and those things that are
assets are called “spiritual principles.” These character defects and spiritual
principles are usually uncovered in a recovering person’s personal inventory
that is embedded in Step Four of the 12 Step program.
Here are some of the aspects of our
personality that can be blockages to recovery; what helps to overcome it, and the corresponding asset (principle)
that might be usedt:
- Minimizing problems; Being realistic about oneself
- Blaming others for problems; Taking responsibility
for actions (Integrity)
- Isolating; Socializing with recovering people
- Acting childishly and impulsively; Acting mature and
sensibly (Discipline)
- Demanding of self and others; Having reasonable
expectations (Patience)
- Playing it safe; Trusting others and taking risks
- Not asking for help; Reaching out to others for help
- Rigid thinking; Willingness to try new ways
- Negative attitude; Positive attitude (Faith)
- Self-pity; Gratitude for life (Gratitude)
- Resentfulness or anger; Forgiveness and peace of mind
- Focusing on outside problems; Focusing on treatment
remedies (Introspection)
- Ignoring what others say; Listening to others
- Not being in touch with feelings; In touch with and sharing feelings (Humility)
there is hope. Recovering people did not become addicted in one day, so they
often need to know that recovery cannot happen in one day either. But, it is
possible to put stress on the assets of life, and the more one practices principles
the more they become engrained as the dominate part of the personality. Essentially,
this notion builds on the idea that a person has a fundamental choice as to how
they will discover and address problems in their life. They can allow the
negative forces to define the problem and, thereby, allow the blockage to rise
that will prevent a healthy outcome. Or, the person can view the problem
differently, acting out of confidence that the spiritual principle they hold
will be able to address the problem. This choice is restored to the recovering
person gradually each day that they remain clean and sober.
I regard myself as blessed that I have this kind of understanding and capacity, and it has served me well over the years.
All the best,
Roger W.
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