Friday, February 17, 2012


Just got word from the Chairman of my PhD committee that he has given approval to my Chapter Four of the dissertation. This is no small deal. Chapter Four deals with the results of the study and it has been a tricky chapter to write from the beginning. I've been at it for about 2 months...finally done!

This means I can submit Chapter Five as soon as it is done, and, of course being the obsessive-compulsive person I am, this is already about 90% finished. All I need to do is add a few sources and expand one or two points and this is also complete. He would have to approve of it, of course, but that ought not be a problem as it is a summary of the dissertation and repeats a lot of what has already been said.

Can't believe it...almost at the finish line. It's taken nearly 5 years to get here. But, I still have a lot of work to do. Just to give you an idea, I have to get the Chairman to approve the whole dissertation at once, then I go to a format editor (someone I do not know) and they critique it from a format point of view including punctuation, grammar, etc., then it goes to the two other professors who make up the committee for their review and input. When they are finished reading it and let me know what they think (in terms of corrections or questions) I then answer that stuff and re-write the whole piece a bit. Right after that I "defend" it which means that I get together on the phone with the three professors of my committee and chat about the project, answering their questions and observations. They need to unanimously approve of the project. THEN...I'm done. It goes to the Dean for his pro forma approval and then it is published.

I'm guessing the whole thing can be completed in May. I'm about a month ahead of schedule right now, but I don't want to rush things to the point that the committee gets pressured.

All of this means that I am right on schedule for the time when Hazelden's Graduate School will be making decisions about faculty and issuing contracts for the 2012-13 academic year. I'm in line for a full-time Assistant Professorship there and I need to have the PhD to be seriously considered. All looks positive, but who knows?!

So...good news right now. I'm always giving thanks for being in a position to be able to achieve at this level. If I was using, and I was still alive, I would never be this close to accomplishing a major life's goal and serious piece of business. In fact, I'd probably be at some bar somewhere talking up a storm about the big plans I have one day to get a PhD...something that would be, under those conditions, so ridiculous that it would be pathetic.

If you are in my life I need to thank you for all the support you've given me through this. If you're not, then thanks for reading and welcome aboard!

All the best, Roger W.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's all about the little things...

As human beings we tend to take a lot for granted. It's not a failing, it's just a reality, that in order to cope with life's pressures we often just zoom around and not take the time to reflect on all that we have. That idea was really made clear to me in this video that I found on a friend's FaceBook page. Watch it from beginning to end and you'll see what I mean. If you're like me, you'll be watching it twice to get the full flavor.

All the best, Roger